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Sowing Seeds for A New Gardening Year

Sowing Seeds for A New Gardening Year

March is the classic time to start sowing flower and vegetable seeds in preparation for the warmer months ahead. By choosing the right seeds and propagation products, we gardeners can ensure a bountiful harvest and a colourful display of blooms in our gardens for the months to come.

Sweet Peas are a favourite for the unbeatable fragrance of their blooms and elegant climbing habit. To propagate Sweet Peas successfully you can use seed trays filled with seed and cutting compost and a propagator to provide the seeds with the warmth and humidity they need to germinate quickly.  They do enjoy a long root run though so an even better option is to grow them in extra deep cell trays such as Westland 4 Cell Deep Kits putting in a few seeds per cell.  Once they have germinated, they can be transplanted into individual pots or directly into the ground in a sunny spot from April onwards.  Try the original Sweet Pea ‘Cupani’ for a small flower but a rich scent, ‘Confetti’ if you want a blowsy variety perfect for bouquets or ‘Cupid Mix’ for miniature plants perfect for containers.

Another flower seed that can be sown in March is the Marigold known for their vibrant colours and ability to repel pests in the garden. To propagate them sow the seeds thinly in seed trays of compost and cover lightly with more compost. Keep the trays moist and warm until the seeds germinate. Once the seedlings have developed their true leaves they can be potted into larger containers or planted directly into the garden when there is no more risk of frost. ‘Durango Bolero’ is a French Marigold that flowers early in bold red and yellow while Marigold. ‘Hot Stuff’ is an African Marigold with taller stems making it great for cutting.

Vegetable seeds that can be sown in March include Peas and Broad Beans. Home grown Peas are much sweeter than shop bought Peas and are easy to grow. To propagate Peas sow directly into the ground in a sunny spot with well-drained soil.  Provide support for the plants to climb as they grow, with pea sticks, bamboo canes or branches cut from the winter pruning of your own trees and shrubs.  Try Pea ‘Hurst Greenshaft’ for great disease resistance and a sweet flavour or ‘Snak Hero’ if you like to eat Mange Tout which means ‘Eat All’ pods and all.  Broad Beans are hardy and can tolerate cooler temperatures.  Sow the seeds directly into the ground in staggered rows 15cms apart.  ‘Bunyards Exhibition has well filled pods and the flowers are great pollinators for ‘Red Epicure’ which has distinctive red beans and excellent flavour.

It is essential for successful flower and vegetable seed propagation to use a good quality compost specially formulated to provide the nutrients and moisture they need to germinate.  We recommend Westland Seed and Cutting Super Fine Grade Compost which is available now in a handy 10 litre bag.  You can also add a layer of vermiculite or perlite on top of the compost to improve drainage. 

March is a good time for taking plant cuttings like the new shoots of tender Geraniums and Fuchsias overwintering on your windowsills. Use rooting hormones which contain plant hormones to encourage the development of roots, allowing the cuttings to establish themselves more quickly and successfully. Dip the cuttings into the rooting hormone before planting them in the soil. 

Another product that can help with successful seed sowing in March is a mini greenhouse or propagator. The Premium 4 Tier Extra Wide Growhouse is only £35 to our Customers with a Value Plus Card.
They provide a warm and humid environment for seeds to germinate and protects them from fluctuations in temperature and humidity ensuring the best possible conditions for growth. Place your seed trays or pots inside the mini greenhouse and monitor the temperature and humidity levels to ensure optimal conditions for germination. 

Seedling Heat Mats can be useful when sowing seeds in March providing a gentle heat source for seeds to promote faster, more uniform growth and good root systems. They can also help to prevent damping off a common fungal disease that affects young seedlings. 

Overall, choosing the right flower and vegetable seeds to sow in March and using the appropriate propagation products can help gardeners to achieve the best conditions for success in their gardens.  As long as you follow the guidelines on the packet for each seed, invest in quality seed compost, mini greenhouses and with a little care and attention, you can look forward to a bountiful harvest of vegetables and a colourful display of blooms throughout the spring and summer months.

Sowing Seeds for A New Gardening Year

Sowing Seeds for A New Gardening Year

March is the classic time to start sowing flower and vegetable seeds in preparation for the warmer months ahead. By choosing the right seeds and propagation products, we gardeners can ensure a bountiful harvest and a colourful display of blooms in our gardens for the months to come.

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