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Shrubs That Flower In Summer

Shrubs That Flower In Summer

Summer Flowering Shrubs were one of the fashionable trendy themes of this year’s Chelsea Flower Show but we “Gardeners” already knew the value of these stalwarts. They are the plants that are there come rain or shine, never failing to flower their hearts out against all odds. They associate well with roses and herbaceous plants in mixed informal borders. Here are some old favourites and new additions to add to the back ground colour every summer in your garden.

Everyone’s favourite must be Lavender. The sun loving drought resistant {although this year rain tolerant} plant that is low growing with aromatic silver foliage and rich fragrant flowers in June and July. Grow at the front of a border or as a low defining hedge. It groups well with shrub roses like Ballerina with sprays of pink and white flowers, Leah Tutu coppery orange and Comte de Chambord deep double pink very fragrant blooms. Old time popular varieties of Lavender Angustifolia Munstead or Hidcote are hardy and compact and if pruned immediately after flowering maintain their shape and size for years. New introductions are L. Imperial Gem L. Beechwood Blue and with dark violet flowers and L. Platinum Blonde with variegated leaves flowering July to September. Loved as a pollen and nectar source for butterflies and bees.

Hydrangeas are also a great summer flowering plant. The Mopheads, with round heads, and Lacecaps, with flatter, flower for many weeks from summer well into autumn. The faded flowers give additional interest in winter when covered with frost. Grow in partial shade in rich humus soil. Hydrangea Blackcurrant Muffin with purple blue flowers when grown in acidic soil and H. Endless Summer has large pink blooms, both are Mophead types. The flowers are many florets that appear from July onwards. Hydrangea Blue Wave and H. Twist and Shout are Lacecap types. The showy florets form a ring around a cluster of small flowers. A very attractive plant for any garden.

Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle is a spectacular plant with large round heads of small white florets at least 25cms across like a giant snowball. As autumn progresses the flowers turn lime green and can be left as winter garden decoration or cut and dried for indoor decoration. A new introduction Hydrangea Ruby Annabelle an outstanding plant with flower heads even larger than Annabelle comprised of white pink and red florets. It is in continuous flower for at least three months.

Hydrangea Paniculata is another wonderful variety with long cone shaped creamy white flowers that turn lime green and then pink with age again lasting three to four months. H. paniculata Silver Dollar is a pure white variety and H. paniculata Pinky Winky has white flowers which turn deep pink.

Hypericums provide a lot of nectar and pollen for the insects and summer colour. Hypericum Miracle Blizz is a small semi evergreen shrub with a profusion of bright yellow flowers all summer followed by creamy berries in autumn. Hypericum Miracle Attraction has the same habit but produces scarlet berries while an old favourite H. moseranium Tricolor has interesting pink and green leaves with yellow flowers followed by black fruits.

Cottage Garden Lavatera, the shrubby Mallow, also flowers from June to September. L. Barnsley Baby is upright and compact with lush heart shaped green leaves and large hollyhock like flowers pale pink with magenta centres. L. Mary Hope is semi evergreen with downy leaves white and pale pink saucer flowers with maroon centres. Prune plants by half in November to prevent overwinter wind rock and to three buds in spring to maintain shape.

Last but by no means least are the Buddleias This group has been the focus of plant selection and as a result the older varieties like Buddleia davidii Black Knight, Pink Delight and Empire Blue that quickly outgrew most modern gardens have been succeeded by smaller freer flower varieties more suitable for smaller spaces and even large tubs. The Buddleia davidii Buzz and Butterfly series have all the attributes of the larger varieties but only grow to about 80cms. They have silver foliage and scented vibrant flower colours that the butterflies and bees love for the pollen and nectar.
An Array of Colour with Conifers

An Array of Colour with Conifers

We often plant little conifers in our Patio Tubs for interesting autumn and winter displays together with pansies, violas, primroses and dwarf spring flowering bulbs but these evergreens offer so much more to our garden schemes.
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September, a Good Time to Plant

September, a Good Time to Plant

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August in the Garden

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